Arab Americans urged to get involved in local government at Sunday seminar in Secaucus

David M. Zimmer

Published 7:23PM ET December 23, 2018

Yassine Elkaryani serves as the moderator for a conversation with Prospect Park Mayor Mohamed T. Khairullah. Khairullah provided insight and tips for the average person to start their involvement in local politics during the event at the Secaucus Public Library on Sunday, December 23, 2018. The Moroccan American Recreational Organization Council (MAROC) organized the event. (Photo: Amy Newman/

A Sunday seminar on getting involved in local politics stressed: You can be the change you seek in your community, regardless of your background.

“It’s not always easy when you’re Arab American, but it’s my belief that the community, the Arab community, needs to be involved,” said Mohamed Khairullah, the mayor of Prospect Park. “We cannot change the narrative, the perception, unless we are engaged.”

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